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ESCALAB 250Xi型X射线光电子能谱仪

作者:        发布于:2018-05-23
仪器型号:ESCALAB 250Xi

生产厂家:美国 Thermo Fisher Scientific 公司

仪器原理: 通过X射线去辐射样品,使原子或分子的内层电子或价电子受激发射出来。被光子激发出来的电子称为光电子。可以测量光电子的能量,以光电子的动能/结合能(Eb=hv-Ek-W)为横坐标,相对强度(脉冲/s)为纵坐标可做出光电子能谱图。从而获得试样有关信息。





Instrument model: ESCALAB 250Xi

Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. USA

Principle: Inner electrons or valence electrons of the atoms or molecules are motivated and emitted while the sample is irradiated by X-ray. And these motivated electrons are named photoelectrons. Photoelectron spectroscopy can be obtained by analyzing the energy of photoelectron, while the kinetic energy of photoelectron (Eb=hv-Ek-W) is used as abscissa and the relative intensity is used as ordinate. Therefore, the sample information is obtained.

Main Specifications: Micro-area XPS analysis (monochromic XPS): Micro-area20μm

Main accessories: Monochromic XPS (Al target), Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS), Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), Double anode (Mg/Al target), Argon clusters ion gun, Heating platform, Ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS).

Applications: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of surface elements in organic or inorganic solid materials. Researches on corrosion, friction, infiltration, splice, catalysis, cladding, oxidation and interface process.

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