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Empyrean X射线衍射仪

作者:        发布于:2018-05-23

生产国别厂家:荷兰帕纳科公司(PANalytical B.V.


1、  高压发生器功率4kW,最大高压60kV,最大阳极电流为60mA

2、  电流电压稳定度优于±0.01%

3、  2θ测角范围-10°~140°,可控最小步进0.0001°,测角仪重现性0.001°;

4、   PIXcel一维探测器。

基本原理:  利用X射线与晶态或非晶态材料相互作用产生衍射线方向和强度来获得有关物质结构信息。




The PANalytical Empyrean X?ray diffraction analysis system is the basic platform for a wide variety of applications in analytical X?ray diffraction, in both scientific and industrial research environments. The modular setup of the system, utilizing the PreFIX concept, makes it possible to perform more than one type of analysis on one system.



Model: Empyrean

Manufacturer: PANalytical B.V.

Equipment Specifications


Sealed Tube Generator

Voltage: 40 – 45kV max. operating voltage

Current: 20 – 40mA max. operating current

Cu X-ray Tube

Line and spot Focus

Beam mask: 5, 10 and 15 mm

Bragg-Brentano Optics

Programmable divergent slit:

Automatic: 0.5 to 20 mm

Fixed: 1/32 to 2°

Antiscatter slits: 1/16 to 4o

Soller Slits: 2.3o divergence

Diffracted Beam Optics

Programmable divergent slit: 1/32 to 2°

Soller Slits: 2.3o divergence

Operating Mode

Bragg-Brentano in reflection or transmission geometry with sample spinning option





Phase Identification (Powder, block and Thin Film)

Phase Quantitative Analysis

Structure determination and refinement

Precise determination of lattice constants

Determination of crystalline size and lattice distortion

Small angle X?ray scattering (SAXS) Determination of Particle Size and Size Distribution

Thin Film Analysis : Roughness, Thickness(<100nm)

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